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Our Team

Dean of ORD (研發長

Tsaubin Chen   Ph.D.

Associate professor , Department of International Business 

Position Summary:Manage and oversee all affairs of the ORD


E-mail: tsaubin_chen@g2.usc.edu.tw

TEL:02-2538-1111 # 1900


University Development Section (校務研究暨發展組

Position Summary:

1. Overall MOE Subsidy

2. Drafting of school development plan

3. School evaluation

4. Analysis of the issues of school affairs research

5. Other ad hoc assignments


Hsu, Pei-Chieh

E-mail: winnie@g2.usc.edu.tw

TEL:02-2538-1111 #1911

Liang, Su-Mei

E-mail: lsm@g2.usc.edu.tw

TEL:02-2538-1111 #1917


E-mail: yhlo@g2.usc.edu.tw

TEL:02-2538-1111 #1916


Academic Development Section(學術推廣組

Position Summary:

1. Assistance in administrative affairs under the Academic Development Section

2. Administration of all procedures associated with MOST research projects

3. Announcement of and reply to results of MOST project reviews, review of principal investigators fees, signing, amendment, and extension of contracts with temporary workers in labor projects, project termination, and official communication regarding processes, internal control procedures and amendments of project subsidy regulations

4. Processing Awards for Academic Research

5. Other ad hoc assignments


Liao, Qian-Jing

E-mail: liao0904@g2.usc.edu.tw

TEL:02-2538-1111 # 1921


Industrial-Academic Services Section (產學服務組)

Position Summary:

1. Coordination of businesses related to industry collaboration projects

2. Draft and revise regulations regarding industrial-academic cooperation projects

3. Prepare for evaluation and handle statistics for the Division

4. Other ad hoc assignments


Li, Meng-Hua

E-mail: yuyu@g2.usc.edu.tw

TEL:02-2538-1111 # 1931

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